Saturday, March 10, 2012

Ethical Action in Remote Influencing for Business

It may be difficult to imagine the necessity or even possibility for an ethic in business remote influencing. In business in general, CAVEAT EMPTOR is the philosophy behind business transactions, translating as "let the buyer beware". In remote influencing we are dealing directly with the subconscious, and in doing so must observe respectfully the boundaries a person has that protect them from making serious mistakes in judgment that would impair their well-being. Business does not have to be conducted in such a way as to take everything from one person and give it over to another. That is not business. That is theft.

Business is the exchange of goods and services for liquid asset remuneration, cash, or for other goods and/or services. In remote influencing one does operate most successfully in an environment of abundance, even in these glowering economic times. The liquidity of most large G5 corporations these days has been seriously imperiled by irresponsible and stunningly greedy banking practices of the global banks, and the derivatives scam has created a pot large enough to daunt even the most ethical politician.

So how do we think we can function in such a dark environment? By remembering that the producers of goods and services are still quite viable, and that the currency limiting practices of the global banking cabal criminals does not mean goods and services have suddenly ceased to exist. Money is energy translated into a movable, and most importantly, storable form. The goods and services are still being created, albeit at a dramatically slower rate or in some industries such as civil engineering, almost not at all, and we work to renew the flow by staying in business. By doing business we continue business, and work to create a healthy capitalism based in demand and supply.

One should, and should is one of those words about choice, but one should consider their business impact on the environment. "The Environment" is often a phrase business people leave out of their vernacular, yet it is everything in terms of the future of not only business, but being alive to achieve business transaction and prosperity.

This planet is obviously, grossly overpopulated. The impact this excessive demand humans are placing on the environment destabilizes economies and nations, and as we are increasingly irresponsible to our environment and mother earth, we find destabilization affects us just as much as the bluefin tuna population of the ocean. So sanity in practice demands ecological awareness in business. Big oil is dying, and in it's throes many industries are being torn apart and slapped together with the same irresponsible and short sighted approach the petroleum industry, which is the base of our monetary system almost worldwide, has exercised for decades. They are our model for how not to do things.

As our economy evolves, then, our practices will evolve, and our lifestyles become less about mangling the planet and brutalizing our fellow humans to force them to create goods for us that we then sell at a dramatically greater price than their cost to us, and become more about a leveling between producer and business coordination between producers and consumers. Less greed? But isn't greed good? Only in the movies. In reality greed only feeds the banking cartel, and believe me, they have no idea what to do with it all.

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