Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Shamanic Healing 101 - Killing the Messengers

Shamanic healing is an ancient tradition, carried on for centuries by remote indigenous peoples enduring a brutal and irrational effort toward extermination waged by the prevailing religious/political regimes that is of the last few decades experiencing great interest and exploration by intrepid spiritually inclined individuals worldwide.  For centuries, it has been punishable by death to practice healing in the spiritual realm, by the Christian Church, in their burning of the witches, by all monotheistic religions, many political regimes including the Soviets, by the CIA in South America seeking to raid secret ethnobotanical substances from the tribes in the Amazon rainforest area and throughout the world, and even by the Buddhists.  The first Dalai Llama of Tibet ordered the burning alive of all shaman upon inception of his religious regime.   Yet it has survived and continues to thrive, like something that has a life of its own, springing forth ever new from beneath our feet.

How can this be?

A spiritual practice that insists on staying alive despite the worst most brutal suppression by countless political and religious corporations, corporations composed of people willing to surrender their individuality for the support of a meme stating that they are not able, capable or allowed to commune with the creator of the universe, heal or listen to the plants and animals they share this biological gem of a planet with unless they use specific labels and ideations and refuse to believe their own senses and observations.  Oh, and they will pay for all this wonderment with their money and property in life, and in the end, by their very ability to ascend.

For those of us born to become shaman, or the connection between the people and the fourth density containing the dead, other beings, and superconsciousness the question is actually How can it not be?  Being butchered for having the ability to walk between worlds has given shaman to deep and abiding traditional containment of their craft and information.  It is considered bad luck to speak of one's soul journey observations, even with each other.  Ego is blamed for that and said to contaminate the one speaking about their journeys, but it's clear in the face of historic suppression and destruction of the shaman that it is also to prevent more genocide of the gifted and skilled multi dimensional traveler.

This fact alone has made shamanism extremely interesting to many people, including me.  

What could be more intriguing than a spiritual practice so threatening to the god corporations that they engage in burning the practitioners alive to suppress it, not to mention the school of thought that says the burning is to make "milking" the shaman possible by other fourth dimensional accessing beings, but that is another story one can explore via the offerings of writers on the subject of the Ptah, or reptilian race.  For the style of execution of the shaman via fire being consistent from one era and region to another is a circumstance beyond coincidence.

What do shaman do?  In various degrees in the many cultures shaman inhabit, the main point of their existence is to serve as a bridge between the spirit world and the living world of humans.  The Celtic shamanic tradition includes abilities in the martial arts, music, herbal medicine, mediumship and the lore of the culture.  In other traditions it's much the same, with differing emphasis on medicine and mediumship, leadership of the people and bridging the membrane between the land of the living and the world of the dead, as well as connection of the human and animal consciousnesses.  

The totem is a representation of the consciousness of animal clans, and aligns with the shaman to bring together the different worlds, and exists in many forms and many shamanic traditions.  There are as many ritual methods and traditions as there are different ethnic and regional groups, and most of the healing is done in ritual method involving the shaman entering a trance state and doing business with the spirits and worlds of other types of consciousness in what is commonly referred to as non-ordinary reality.  The shaman is often someone who in life has a hard time staying out of non-ordinary reality, and who trances simply to shake off the ego structure that is necessary to interact in this 3 dimensional reality.  Whole cultures still exist wherein the ego structure is a minor element of consciousness, such as the aboriginal cultures of Australia, where fourth dimensional interconnectedness is referred to as "Dream Time", and the entire tribe experiences the same dimensional explorations.

In this culture, dreamtime is considered madness, or lack of work ethic.  And yet what is more insane than destroying one's own planet?  How can we bring the best of the shamanic world into our lives in this culture to expand consciousness and create awareness beyond the immediate gratification levels demanded by the meme-infested populace, and why would anyone wish to are the subjects of the next portion of this blog.

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Dark Side of Remote Influencing

Being a remote influencer doesn't necessarily mean you're more ethical and honorable than others.  In fact, for those that work for government or military agencies, deception is a forgone conclusion.  One does not work for spy works unless that attachment to reality is less than a thin thread, so that the person doing the "pushing" is what the assignment requires them to be.  That means you let go of reality and follow some designated path, whether or not grounded in patriarchal religious ideations of god and devil, or simply dark.

And by simply dark I mean without the empathy that binds us together as humans, as sentient beings with an energetic connection to each other, as intact energy bodies.  This is accomplished in life by childhood trauma, according the Kernberg and Freud, or by induced trauma, according to Mengela.  So without this attachment to others, one is without empathy, or free of the burden of empathy, depending on one's perspective, and capable of absolutely anything.  Such is the nature of employment by the government.  Your tax dollars at work.

So what does it mean to be free of the burden of empathy?  Watch Adolph Hitler some time in the old footage.  You don't need to speak German to hear that his tirades are energetic and hypnotizing of his audience.  Hitler was a narcissist at an early age.  He, like Stalin, bragged about being beaten by his father into unconsciousness and defying his abuser to the end.  Like Stalin, he had only an idea of what constituted the type of attention acceptable to him to create in him a sense of his own presence; worship.  Also like Stalin, he gave no thought to exterminating fellow humans by the millions.  He gave unqualified, unrestrained impetus to others to do it.

History is a record of the deeds of narcissists.  Humans have recorded the darkest aspects of our time on this planet as being that which is most significant to our informational achievement.  A total lack of empathy does two things; it creates a person who's observation of the reaction of those they crave attention from is purely clinical, and, it frees up a lot of energy normally dampened by empathetic connection to others, allowing them to be highly charged and influential, to the extent their intelligence in using what they are observing allows them to be.

In shamanic terms, a complete detachment from the source means coma.  Our souls or energy bodies are fueled by this connection to the creator of the universe, which is a constant outflowing of organized energy forming and creating all life, all matter all anything.  This perspective is derived of experience.  You go, you see, you understand.  It's an egoless trip that has to be taken in order to understand reality, and no, Carlos Casteneda isn't going to show you how to get there.  The reality of reality is what one learns when one is interested in the truth.  Those that are not interested are after only power.  And for good reason.   I mentioned above that attention was what Hitler and Stalin (et al) were after.  To need that kind of attention means the connection to the source is very weak.  In shamanic terms again, such gaps in the energy body invite infestation by parasitic entities.  Who and what was Hitler then, is open to speculation.

In energy manipulation areas, like remote influencing, where someone with a lack of energy from the source is loose in the larger mind and the energy fields of other people without thought for their well being, anything goes.  Conscious living, such as that practiced in Buddhist mindfulness, gives us to be aware of what our thoughts and emotions are creating, but the average human emotional situation on this planet is squalor and starvation, and starving people go to war quite easily.  So our larger mind is fragmented at this time, and doing the dark side is quite easy.  There is much to fear, if you believe your well being depends on defending yourself from the hungry and the needy.  Borders overflow with humans migrating to survive, and militaries thrive on making wars over these invisible lines.  Militaries get a lot of money from politicians and clergy with histrionic approaches to inciting other people's fears, and money is energy that is liquid and can be translated into almost anything in the present dimension we inhabit.  I wish I could tell everyone that to be able to walk between worlds is only allowed to the compassionate, but it's just not the truth.  Anyone who can push, can push people over the edge.  It's a grim and savage reality.

Status, shelter, food, clothing, importance, sexual satiation, numbness, drug induced Xanadus actually all can be purchased.  So why not inhabit the dark side?

Awareness.  Connection.  Consciousness.  That's why not.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

After a Bit of a Hiatus...

It I've been working on building and uploading a new website for remote influencing for business.  My old site was with Intuit; my new site is with Bluehost.  The experience and services I have available are psychic influencing for business, and the last few months of study and work have given me time to develop new skills in creating inceptions, larger, more complex structures in the subconscious that give awareness and palpable satisfaction to the target for cooperating in the push.  I have had palpable success in this, measurable in monetary terms using the small letter "m", in fact.  A nice reward for putting through a worthy (read pro bono) cause.  Still, the satisfaction derived from such successes, and the skills created therein are very interesting to me to understand and to know I am gaining command therein.

Of course the word "Inception" brings to mind the movie, with it's sophisticated graphic softwares and Byzantine plot lines.  Hardly the excursion into the dream state that the film purports it's protagonist to be engaging in, inception really doesn't involve more than using existing information of the target's subconscious, which in my observation is like one of those houses on "Hoarders", a show I cannot view without alarm, but I digress.

It's all in there, and in a total jumble, accumulated in the day to day jumble created by information used, partly comprehended, partially integrated and mostly just thrown "down there" before slamming the door.  What my job is then, is to descend the treacherous stairway and organize what I can find that suits my purposes.  I don't clean the basement; I have neither the interest nor the ability to remotely purge information from anyone's brain, and even if I did, I wouldn't.  I use what I know will created a knowledge that has substance, structure, like the knowledge one gains in college course work, and create my structure along those lines.  I find then that the person "knows" that doing the thing I want them to do will give them the feeling I wish for them to feel.  Ideation/emotion scaffolding, really.  Not just suggestion.  So as the structure is added to and emotion is connected to action, the target retains intention for a much longer time.

So far I haven't connected action with satisfaction of intentionally manufactured remote resentments.  It's not in my interest to do so and besides, it's not nice.  Humans have enough problems with resentment, and as anyone in a recovery program knows, resentments are at the root of all addictions.  So they are a nasty trick to play on anyone.  If I were to ruminate further on resentments I would say they are at the root of many pathological human behaviors, from being mean to making war.  So I choose to avoid putting more of that into the subconscious soup.

A great deal of good can be done in influencing people to simply open to being human, embracing empathy, appreciating it as being the best and most precious characteristic of being humanoid that we can experience.  Empathy is our ability to feel what the other person is feeling, and extends to all sentient beings.  It is the palpable, tangible aspect of compassion, meaning what we do to others we do to ourselves and may be the only true reality.

And so it goes.  What the Buddhists have been trying to show us for years is actually the truth of how our souls are connected, or not, as those of us that walk between worlds also know.  It would be lovely if those without the capacity for empathy, those people that emulate it ever so well but do not experience it, could.  In the meantime, I'm happy to create a conscience in those who are missing theirs.
I can be contacted for business remote influencing purposes here:

Thursday, May 24, 2012

What Can and Can Not Be Accomplished

It may be difficult to I recently had to let a client go.  His business was not benefiting from my work, and I was not benefiting from working more and more hours per day on his project, a high performance sustainable materials startup utilizing formulations from former NASA materials scientists.  Sounds like the perfect project for an ethical remote influencer, doesn't it?  I pushed for people to step aside in his path, who were hostile to him, as well as for people to give his startup attention and assistance as he was without means for getting his business off the ground.  I pushed people to invest in his business and group pushed for his business to receive a lot of financial interest, filtering for investors with hundreds of millions of dollars to come forward and give him support.  I even pushed for him to get a day job, which also refused to materialize.  In every case his business failed to completely close on investors and interested parties that had "appeared" in his life to become a part of his business.  I worked six months for 4-16 hours per day without remuneration on this project before finally taking the advice of a friend of mine involved in Access Consciousness to cut him loose because of his inability to receive my energy.  Why?  I believed in his product and as an engineering designer knew that sustainability was an important aspect of future engineering and construction.  Upon informing him then, that I was no longer going to be working for his business I was treated to the toxic aspect of his energy and given a taste of what others doing business with him were experiencing.

But all of that is academic in hindsight because I had failed to trust my initial feedback about the success of this project, which was that he would not pay me and his startup would go nowhere.  In that I had failed to do something important in my research of his startup, and that was to look into him, to scan him for the kind of person he was.  He was convincing of his sincerity in intending to bring a high level of performance and sustainability to the materials market, and in that I placed my confidence.  He was also personable.  As time went by, however, there was nothing but failure on the part of my pushing of businessmen to invest in him.  My feedback was saying that they were seeing him as being disagreeable, angry, paranoid, arrogant.  These were not characteristics I was seeing in him in my daily conversations with him, so I attributed them to the people he was attempting to do business with.  That was my error in thinking.

When a client is a person with an aspect to their personality that makes them react to stress with toxic energy, that is something to take note of.  There is a mind in us that is our human mind of intention, and there is a mind in us that is an alien creation that comes from without.  I won't go into that in depth here, I will just say read Carlos Casteneda's last book, The Active Side of Infinity for more on that.  Petty concerns changing quickly to toxic rage is an indicator that this is what the problem is.  I have found it to be most prevalent in people with personality disorders and chemical imbalances, such as bipolar disorder.  I think it is also present in people with apparently even tempered personalities that have a strong emotional reaction of fear to the possibility of success.  How does one manage to become afraid of success?  That is a good question, but the point is that such people do exist, and will react with violent rage and paranoia, suspicion and success canceling behaviors to the "threat" of financial success.  I say that the alien mind is a part of this because it makes no sense in the realm of the human mind of clear intent and accomplishment exceeding the focus on self, which is the place from which much that is about larger monetary achievement comes from.  A person can only use so much money for their needs as a human in the human world.  After that their achievements in that realm become philanthropic or, as in the case of Howard Hughes, for example, they become hopelessly addicted to the self and prey to heavy parasitization.

The next phase of my work in remote influencing is then to explore the places humans cancel themselves out from success.  My work is at present entirely pro bono while I examine this area and seek to know where I can and cannot effect prosperity.  Without the issue of payment for a while I believe my explorations will be unhindered by expectation.  More on that in the next post.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Ethical Action in Remote Influencing for Business

It may be difficult to imagine the necessity or even possibility for an ethic in business remote influencing. In business in general, CAVEAT EMPTOR is the philosophy behind business transactions, translating as "let the buyer beware". In remote influencing we are dealing directly with the subconscious, and in doing so must observe respectfully the boundaries a person has that protect them from making serious mistakes in judgment that would impair their well-being. Business does not have to be conducted in such a way as to take everything from one person and give it over to another. That is not business. That is theft.

Business is the exchange of goods and services for liquid asset remuneration, cash, or for other goods and/or services. In remote influencing one does operate most successfully in an environment of abundance, even in these glowering economic times. The liquidity of most large G5 corporations these days has been seriously imperiled by irresponsible and stunningly greedy banking practices of the global banks, and the derivatives scam has created a pot large enough to daunt even the most ethical politician.

So how do we think we can function in such a dark environment? By remembering that the producers of goods and services are still quite viable, and that the currency limiting practices of the global banking cabal criminals does not mean goods and services have suddenly ceased to exist. Money is energy translated into a movable, and most importantly, storable form. The goods and services are still being created, albeit at a dramatically slower rate or in some industries such as civil engineering, almost not at all, and we work to renew the flow by staying in business. By doing business we continue business, and work to create a healthy capitalism based in demand and supply.

One should, and should is one of those words about choice, but one should consider their business impact on the environment. "The Environment" is often a phrase business people leave out of their vernacular, yet it is everything in terms of the future of not only business, but being alive to achieve business transaction and prosperity.

This planet is obviously, grossly overpopulated. The impact this excessive demand humans are placing on the environment destabilizes economies and nations, and as we are increasingly irresponsible to our environment and mother earth, we find destabilization affects us just as much as the bluefin tuna population of the ocean. So sanity in practice demands ecological awareness in business. Big oil is dying, and in it's throes many industries are being torn apart and slapped together with the same irresponsible and short sighted approach the petroleum industry, which is the base of our monetary system almost worldwide, has exercised for decades. They are our model for how not to do things.

As our economy evolves, then, our practices will evolve, and our lifestyles become less about mangling the planet and brutalizing our fellow humans to force them to create goods for us that we then sell at a dramatically greater price than their cost to us, and become more about a leveling between producer and business coordination between producers and consumers. Less greed? But isn't greed good? Only in the movies. In reality greed only feeds the banking cartel, and believe me, they have no idea what to do with it all.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Engineering an Approach

My career background is not in psychic phenomena.  It is in engineering, and the arts, and I've used this disciplined approach to problem solving to create, along with a great deal of research on remote viewing, a method by which I might move people internally, to see and believe in doing things differently than they most likely would had their path been unchanged.

Remote viewing relies on constant feedback, primarily taken down by a monitor that is present during the light trance state of the viewer, who relays information about what they see as they experience it.  The monitor keeps a record via note taking of the viewer's reportage, and also keeps the viewer on track and focused on the "target", which is either a human subject, an event or a discreet object unavailable for observation by normal means.  Remote influencing is in my practice, me being the monitor, and the viewer, and taking readings of the effect of my presence and suggestion to the subject congruent with my monitoring of the person or persons I am influencing psychically, so as to calibrate my effectiveness as I proceed.

There is no chicanery of fraud involved in this process.  My abilities are clear to my clients just as any service for hire must be in order to move forward.  The real world results of my work have been used by me as by other remote influencers, to calibrate effectiveness.  I am only as good as what is manifested in the immediate reality via my efforts, so there is nothing imaginary about it.  Decades of testing and observing results, in individuals as well as groups has made my approach effective and long lasting.  Moving individuals to change their path involves time and patience; moving groups of people requires a larger view in order to create a larger wave of change.  The difference is quantum, to be sure, and to my knowledge I am unusual in my ability to influence groups of people.

Calibration of my effect happens on two levels; first in my feedback and second in my results per my client's needs.  Here's an example of one of my jobs in RI:

After learning they were going to be "called on the carpet" by the board of directors after committing a minor infraction, I attended the event on behalf of my client, an executive in a non-profit organization.  Most of the board members were not apprised of the nature of the infraction while a small group manipulated the entire disciplinary action.  I observed individuals, getting feedback on their intentions and actions in the proceeding, and discovered that there was a plot afoot to displace my client and replace her.  One of the board members held a grudge from a long past event, and in cooperation with one of my client's more ambitious staff members, manipulated this situation to appear as justification for relegating my client to a purely public speaking position and replacing my client with said staff person.  The board was unaware of the motives of all of the players in this, so I made them aware or the motives and identity of the instigator of the actions, as well as the motives of the staff member seeking to replace my client.  I also then gave the entire board to know said replacement would be a bad idea after looking into the probable future and reflecting that back to them.  In all this the board simply believed they were being perceptive.  The disciplinary action became a very supportive and validating experience for my client, who was then acknowledged for their good work in the face of such dissidence. The sabotaging board member was made to resign, and the overly ambitious staff member has since become a loyal and dramatically more productive member of the organization.

With Remote Influencing you can bring people to see the truth even in the thick fog of the kind of influence created by people that are entirely too certain of themselves and irresponsible.  These people can have a very definite effect on the impetus of the flow of a business.  It's very rewarding for me, too, to be able to reveal the intentions of such folk and disarm them.

Just what is remote influencing?

Remote influencing is the combination of psychic ability with the accuracy of constant feedback, so as to ensure effectiveness.  I also rely on real world feedback from my clients to assure us that my work is doing what we believe it is. The psychic end of remote influencing is observing intentions, emotions, and probable future actions calculated by estimating the path of the individuals or groups being monitored.  The remote influencing aspect regards "sending" suggestions to the individual or group of people monitored to give them to see a particular intention in someone, to make them feel some way about a particular issue, or see the advantages or disadvantages of a decision they are in the process of making.