In the present economy, with over 20 million people in the United States unemployed and many more homeless, who's numbers are not included in the overall estimate of unemployed people, it might be a good idea to get a little help in getting your resume noticed.
This summer I am offering a three week package for helping people be noticed in their resume submission, plus influencing of my clients to release limiting beliefs and feel more confident and positive in their ability to find good work. The cost of this package is $150. That means that for $50 a week, I work every day to push people doing the hiring to feel very familiar and welcoming of my clients via their resume, and to feel confident of my client's ability to do the job very well.
Go to my website, and look at my fees and services section for more information on this offering.
Remote influencing in this really just makes the prospective employer "feel" like they already know you. I give them subconscious information about you so that they really do know you and can feel more relaxed about hiring you than they would about hiring others. I also put information and suggestions into the subconscious of my clients to give them to be more able to create positive financial realities for themselves.
The mess that the global banking cartels has put many countries into has created great hardship in many sectors. People who are experienced and middle aged are especially vulnerable, as are people who have been unemployed for a long time, and of course the homeless. I do pro bono work often, and most of the time my rates for paid work run around $150 an hour, but with this package I will do work for a person seeking employment for three weeks for that amount, so it's a pretty good deal.
Unemployment can have consequences beyond the immediate lack of money. It can deal a death blow to your confidence and give you to believe, in this capitalistic culture, that you're unwanted, not worth anything and that alone can severely limit your prospects for prosperity. So I also influence you to be without limiting beliefs about yourself and to know you have skills and abilities that the world can really benefit from.
The economy is what it is. The irresponsible and destructive actions of the people in power over the largest banking interests have created great suffering and turbulence in society, but it doesn't need to be your problem. It's also everywhere in the media, and that is an influence on the psyche of the people as a whole that can bring one into believing that there is just no point, and if you believe that, you create it.
Let me help you get back on your feet, or get on your feet in the first place. I will provide feedback to all clients undertaking this package on a daily basis to let you know how things are going. What I will need from you is information about who you are and what you do or wish to do, what the name of the company is that you wish to work for, and as much information about the persons doing the hiring as you can provide me with.
This is a chance for those with low self esteem to pull out of that spiral and get back into having a life. Take advantage of it. I have a lot of success in getting jobs for people, and I can help you as well.
Inner Voice Remote Influencing Service
Remote Influencing psychic method of influencing people while employing constant feedback system to calibrate effect, as well as to monitor intentions, emotions and probable future behaviors and outcomes.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Saturday, March 2, 2013
The Passive Aggressive Approach to Fate
In December of 1941 President Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed the people of the United State via radio broadcast following the attack of the Japanese navy on the U.S. military base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, that we had nothing to fear but fear itself. Throughout our culture since then this phrase has rung, again and again, with a truth that we most truly understand when something in our lives is going badly wrong and we notice how our emotional reactions to it only exacerbate it.
We have nothing to fear but fear itself. That's a lot to fear. That's everything. One common experience of people that have died and returned to life is the absence of fear. If nothing else that tells us that fear is something built into the biological aspect of being human, and is absent from the spiritual aspect. I'm not here to preach any gospel, just making a point. When we construct spiritual disciplines, religions, there is always the element of there being someone big in all that that will protect us if we worship them. No wonder we're scared. The only kind of being that would require any worship would certainly be something we would be completely stupid to put our trust in, but there you go. God of our fathers. Yea, though I walk through the valley of death I will fear no evil. Better fear the fact that you're walking through the valley of death, clown. Evil isn't half your problem.
Death is a problem. Culturally it's ridden with stigma and denial and so much fear we refuse to acknowledge it without dragging in some religious garbage to guide out thinking about. Very scary stuff, death, yet when we talk with people that have died and spirits of people that are dead we find it's not the awfulness we keep it in our minds to be. Hell? Not a lot of acknowledgement of that existing. Seems to be a notion profligated by an organization with a propensity toward pederasty, along with Heaven, Purgatory and Limbo. Remember Limbo? Hell had levels back in the day when mass was in Latin. First floor ladies lingerie and limbo. Seems silly now but hell, it was serious stuff to brainwash kids into praying to Mary about freeing people from.
Don Juan, the Mexican Yaqui Indian shaman, tells Carlos Castaneda the following:
"We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The Predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don't do so... I have been beating around the bush all this time, insinuating to you that something is holding us prisoner. Indeed we are held prisoner!
"This was an energetic fact for the sorcerers of ancient Mexico ... They took us over because we are food for them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance. just as we rear chickens in chicken coops, the predators rear us in human coops, humaneros. Therefore, their food is always available to them."
"No, no, no, no," [Carlos replies] "This is absurd don Juan. What you're saying is something monstrous. It simply can't be true, for sorcerers or for average men, or for anyone."
"Why not?" don Juan asked calmly. "Why not? Because it infuriates you? ... You haven't heard all the claims yet. I want to appeal to your analytical mind. Think for a moment, and tell me how you would explain the contradictions between the intelligence of man the engineer and the stupidity of his systems of beliefs, or the stupidity of his contradictory behaviour. Sorcerers believe that the predators have given us our systems of belief, our ideas of good and evil, our social mores. They are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations and dreams of success or failure. They have given us covetousness, greed, and cowardice. It is the predators who make us complacent, routinary, and egomaniacal."
"'But how can they do this, don Juan? [Carlos] asked, somehow angered further by what [don Juan] was saying. "'Do they whisper all that in our ears while we are asleep?"
"'No, they don't do it that way. That's idiotic!" don Juan said, smiling. "They are infinitely more efficient and organized than that. In order to keep us obedient and meek and weak, the predators engaged themselves in a stupendous manoeuvre
stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a fighting strategist. A horrendous manoeuvre from the point of view of those who suffer it. They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind. The predators' mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now."
"I know that even though you have never suffered hunger... you have food anxiety, which is none other than the anxiety of the predator who fears that any moment now its manoeuvre is going to be uncovered and food is going to be denied. Through the mind, which, after all, is their mind, the predators inject into the lives of human beings whatever is convenient for them. And they ensure, in this manner, a degree of security to act as a buffer against their fear."
"The sorcerers of ancient Mexico were quite ill at ease with the idea of when [the predator] made its appearance on Earth. They reasoned that man must have been a complete being at one point, with stupendous insights, feats of awareness that are mythological legends nowadays. And then, everything seems to disappear, and we have now a sedated man. What I'm saying is that what we have against us is not a simple predator. It is very smart, and organized. It follows a methodical system to render us useless. Man, the magical being that he is destined to be, is no longer magical. He's an average piece of meat."
"There are no more dreams for man but the dreams of an animal who is being raised to become a piece of meat: trite, conventional, imbecilic."
Not good news, but better than not knowing. Then Casteneda continues:
He then made the most damaging statement he had made so far. He said that this narrow fringe of awareness was the epicenter of self-reflection where man was irremediably caught.
By playing on our self-reflection, which is the only point of awareness left to us, the predators create flares of awareness that they proceed to consume in a ruthless, predatory fashion.
They give us inane problems that force those flares of awareness to rise, and in this manner they keep us alive in order for them to be fed with the energetic flare of our pseudo-concerns.
I noticed, however how quickly I rallied my energy to deny everything he had said. After an instant of panic, I began to laugh, as if don Juan had told me a joke. I even heard myself saying, "Don Juan, Don Juan, you're incorrigible!"
Don Juan seemed to understand everything I was experiencing. He shook his head from side to side, and raised his eyes to the heavens in a gesture of mock despair.
He said, "I am so incorrigible, that I am going to give the flyers' mind which you carry inside you one more jolt. I am going to reveal to you one of the most extraordinary secrets of sorcery. I am going to describe to you a finding that took sorcerers thousands of years to verify and consolidate."
He looked at me, smiled maliciously, and said, "The flyers' mind flees forever when a sorcerer succeeds in grabbing on to the vibrating force that holds us together as a conglomerate of energy fields. If a sorcerer maintains that pressure long enough, the flyers' mind flees in defeat. And that's exactly what you are going to do; hold on to the energy that binds you together."
I had the most inexplicable reaction I could have imagined. Something in me actually shook, as if it had received a jolt. I entered into a state of unwarranted fear, which I immediately associated with my religious background.
Don Juan looked at me from head to toe.
"You are fearing the wrath of God, aren't you?" he said. "Rest assured, that's not your fear. It's the flyers' fear, because it knows that you will do exactly as I'm telling you."
So what the hell is Don Juan talking about? "...the vibrating force that holds us together as a conglomerate of energy fields." We know it as empathy. Defined as the ability to feel what others are feeling when they are feeling it, empathy is the force that holds us together. Whether you are a child or an oldster, empathy is what makes you human, and apparently it doesn't taste very good energetically to our erstwhile predators. Lack of ability to experience empathy is a core element of the definition of narcissism, and that makes simple sense. Narcissism is a state of disconnection from others, present in, some say, about 6% of the human population. They're also known variously as psychopaths, sociopaths, monsters. Those people may simply be suffering from a lack of energetic connection to the rest of the human race? In a word, yes. Don Juan describes our spiritual energy as luminous coat that covers us from head to toe. He says the predators like that, that they feed on it. Why?
Perhaps it's because we are all born with the knowledge that we belong in this universe. That we are created of the creator of this universe and are in vibrational compatibility with this universe, coming and going through incarnations to learn of life and how to be creators ourselves. In our natural state we feel comfortable and safe, and know how to cooperate with each other while we feel each other as nearly as we feel ourselves. These spiritual parasites may have, like a virus, come in from another universe, one that is not compatible with this universe vibrationally. George LoBuono writes of this in his book Alien Mind at length. It's worth a read and a free download pdf. available here:
Other writers simply say that we are evolving under pressure, to hurry things up. In this universe DNA has one edict; to do anything it must. We tend to think of DNA as a static biological formulation, but with expanded investigation we find that DNA does a lot of things that make no sense inside the perimeters of that context, so evolution, change, building up or stripping down the biological entity all are not controlled so much by DNA as by it's manifestation of said changes.
Bottom line, empathy is destroyed by fear, but fear is destroyed by empathy. Feel it, grab hold of it like Don Juan says, and squeeze it to know it and be of it. Let your fear vaporize and be the human you are born to be. That is how we rid ourselves of the disease of fear.
It is an intelligent universe. Use it.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Shamanic Healing 101 - Killing the Messengers
Shamanic healing is an ancient tradition, carried on for centuries by remote indigenous peoples enduring a brutal and irrational effort toward extermination waged by the prevailing religious/political regimes that is of the last few decades experiencing great interest and exploration by intrepid spiritually inclined individuals worldwide. For centuries, it has been punishable by death to practice healing in the spiritual realm, by the Christian Church, in their burning of the witches, by all monotheistic religions, many political regimes including the Soviets, by the CIA in South America seeking to raid secret ethnobotanical substances from the tribes in the Amazon rainforest area and throughout the world, and even by the Buddhists. The first Dalai Llama of Tibet ordered the burning alive of all shaman upon inception of his religious regime. Yet it has survived and continues to thrive, like something that has a life of its own, springing forth ever new from beneath our feet.
How can this be?
A spiritual practice that insists on staying alive despite the worst most brutal suppression by countless political and religious corporations, corporations composed of people willing to surrender their individuality for the support of a meme stating that they are not able, capable or allowed to commune with the creator of the universe, heal or listen to the plants and animals they share this biological gem of a planet with unless they use specific labels and ideations and refuse to believe their own senses and observations. Oh, and they will pay for all this wonderment with their money and property in life, and in the end, by their very ability to ascend.
For those of us born to become shaman, or the connection between the people and the fourth density containing the dead, other beings, and superconsciousness the question is actually How can it not be? Being butchered for having the ability to walk between worlds has given shaman to deep and abiding traditional containment of their craft and information. It is considered bad luck to speak of one's soul journey observations, even with each other. Ego is blamed for that and said to contaminate the one speaking about their journeys, but it's clear in the face of historic suppression and destruction of the shaman that it is also to prevent more genocide of the gifted and skilled multi dimensional traveler.
This fact alone has made shamanism extremely interesting to many people, including me.
What could be more intriguing than a spiritual practice so threatening to the god corporations that they engage in burning the practitioners alive to suppress it, not to mention the school of thought that says the burning is to make "milking" the shaman possible by other fourth dimensional accessing beings, but that is another story one can explore via the offerings of writers on the subject of the Ptah, or reptilian race. For the style of execution of the shaman via fire being consistent from one era and region to another is a circumstance beyond coincidence.
What do shaman do? In various degrees in the many cultures shaman inhabit, the main point of their existence is to serve as a bridge between the spirit world and the living world of humans. The Celtic shamanic tradition includes abilities in the martial arts, music, herbal medicine, mediumship and the lore of the culture. In other traditions it's much the same, with differing emphasis on medicine and mediumship, leadership of the people and bridging the membrane between the land of the living and the world of the dead, as well as connection of the human and animal consciousnesses.
The totem is a representation of the consciousness of animal clans, and aligns with the shaman to bring together the different worlds, and exists in many forms and many shamanic traditions. There are as many ritual methods and traditions as there are different ethnic and regional groups, and most of the healing is done in ritual method involving the shaman entering a trance state and doing business with the spirits and worlds of other types of consciousness in what is commonly referred to as non-ordinary reality. The shaman is often someone who in life has a hard time staying out of non-ordinary reality, and who trances simply to shake off the ego structure that is necessary to interact in this 3 dimensional reality. Whole cultures still exist wherein the ego structure is a minor element of consciousness, such as the aboriginal cultures of Australia, where fourth dimensional interconnectedness is referred to as "Dream Time", and the entire tribe experiences the same dimensional explorations.
In this culture, dreamtime is considered madness, or lack of work ethic. And yet what is more insane than destroying one's own planet? How can we bring the best of the shamanic world into our lives in this culture to expand consciousness and create awareness beyond the immediate gratification levels demanded by the meme-infested populace, and why would anyone wish to are the subjects of the next portion of this blog.
How can this be?

For those of us born to become shaman, or the connection between the people and the fourth density containing the dead, other beings, and superconsciousness the question is actually How can it not be? Being butchered for having the ability to walk between worlds has given shaman to deep and abiding traditional containment of their craft and information. It is considered bad luck to speak of one's soul journey observations, even with each other. Ego is blamed for that and said to contaminate the one speaking about their journeys, but it's clear in the face of historic suppression and destruction of the shaman that it is also to prevent more genocide of the gifted and skilled multi dimensional traveler.
This fact alone has made shamanism extremely interesting to many people, including me.
What could be more intriguing than a spiritual practice so threatening to the god corporations that they engage in burning the practitioners alive to suppress it, not to mention the school of thought that says the burning is to make "milking" the shaman possible by other fourth dimensional accessing beings, but that is another story one can explore via the offerings of writers on the subject of the Ptah, or reptilian race. For the style of execution of the shaman via fire being consistent from one era and region to another is a circumstance beyond coincidence.
What do shaman do? In various degrees in the many cultures shaman inhabit, the main point of their existence is to serve as a bridge between the spirit world and the living world of humans. The Celtic shamanic tradition includes abilities in the martial arts, music, herbal medicine, mediumship and the lore of the culture. In other traditions it's much the same, with differing emphasis on medicine and mediumship, leadership of the people and bridging the membrane between the land of the living and the world of the dead, as well as connection of the human and animal consciousnesses.
The totem is a representation of the consciousness of animal clans, and aligns with the shaman to bring together the different worlds, and exists in many forms and many shamanic traditions. There are as many ritual methods and traditions as there are different ethnic and regional groups, and most of the healing is done in ritual method involving the shaman entering a trance state and doing business with the spirits and worlds of other types of consciousness in what is commonly referred to as non-ordinary reality. The shaman is often someone who in life has a hard time staying out of non-ordinary reality, and who trances simply to shake off the ego structure that is necessary to interact in this 3 dimensional reality. Whole cultures still exist wherein the ego structure is a minor element of consciousness, such as the aboriginal cultures of Australia, where fourth dimensional interconnectedness is referred to as "Dream Time", and the entire tribe experiences the same dimensional explorations.
In this culture, dreamtime is considered madness, or lack of work ethic. And yet what is more insane than destroying one's own planet? How can we bring the best of the shamanic world into our lives in this culture to expand consciousness and create awareness beyond the immediate gratification levels demanded by the meme-infested populace, and why would anyone wish to are the subjects of the next portion of this blog.
Friday, November 2, 2012
The Dark Side of Remote Influencing
Being a remote influencer doesn't necessarily mean you're more ethical and honorable than others. In fact, for those that work for government or military agencies, deception is a forgone conclusion. One does not work for spy works unless that attachment to reality is less than a thin thread, so that the person doing the "pushing" is what the assignment requires them to be. That means you let go of reality and follow some designated path, whether or not grounded in patriarchal religious ideations of god and devil, or simply dark.
And by simply dark I mean without the empathy that binds us together as humans, as sentient beings with an energetic connection to each other, as intact energy bodies. This is accomplished in life by childhood trauma, according the Kernberg and Freud, or by induced trauma, according to Mengela. So without this attachment to others, one is without empathy, or free of the burden of empathy, depending on one's perspective, and capable of absolutely anything. Such is the nature of employment by the government. Your tax dollars at work.
So what does it mean to be free of the burden of empathy? Watch Adolph Hitler some time in the old footage. You don't need to speak German to hear that his tirades are energetic and hypnotizing of his audience. Hitler was a narcissist at an early age. He, like Stalin, bragged about being beaten by his father into unconsciousness and defying his abuser to the end. Like Stalin, he had only an idea of what constituted the type of attention acceptable to him to create in him a sense of his own presence; worship. Also like Stalin, he gave no thought to exterminating fellow humans by the millions. He gave unqualified, unrestrained impetus to others to do it.
History is a record of the deeds of narcissists. Humans have recorded the darkest aspects of our time on this planet as being that which is most significant to our informational achievement. A total lack of empathy does two things; it creates a person who's observation of the reaction of those they crave attention from is purely clinical, and, it frees up a lot of energy normally dampened by empathetic connection to others, allowing them to be highly charged and influential, to the extent their intelligence in using what they are observing allows them to be.
In shamanic terms, a complete detachment from the source means coma. Our souls or energy bodies are fueled by this connection to the creator of the universe, which is a constant outflowing of organized energy forming and creating all life, all matter all anything. This perspective is derived of experience. You go, you see, you understand. It's an egoless trip that has to be taken in order to understand reality, and no, Carlos Casteneda isn't going to show you how to get there. The reality of reality is what one learns when one is interested in the truth. Those that are not interested are after only power. And for good reason. I mentioned above that attention was what Hitler and Stalin (et al) were after. To need that kind of attention means the connection to the source is very weak. In shamanic terms again, such gaps in the energy body invite infestation by parasitic entities. Who and what was Hitler then, is open to speculation.
In energy manipulation areas, like remote influencing, where someone with a lack of energy from the source is loose in the larger mind and the energy fields of other people without thought for their well being, anything goes. Conscious living, such as that practiced in Buddhist mindfulness, gives us to be aware of what our thoughts and emotions are creating, but the average human emotional situation on this planet is squalor and starvation, and starving people go to war quite easily. So our larger mind is fragmented at this time, and doing the dark side is quite easy. There is much to fear, if you believe your well being depends on defending yourself from the hungry and the needy. Borders overflow with humans migrating to survive, and militaries thrive on making wars over these invisible lines. Militaries get a lot of money from politicians and clergy with histrionic approaches to inciting other people's fears, and money is energy that is liquid and can be translated into almost anything in the present dimension we inhabit. I wish I could tell everyone that to be able to walk between worlds is only allowed to the compassionate, but it's just not the truth. Anyone who can push, can push people over the edge. It's a grim and savage reality.
Status, shelter, food, clothing, importance, sexual satiation, numbness, drug induced Xanadus actually all can be purchased. So why not inhabit the dark side?
Awareness. Connection. Consciousness. That's why not.
And by simply dark I mean without the empathy that binds us together as humans, as sentient beings with an energetic connection to each other, as intact energy bodies. This is accomplished in life by childhood trauma, according the Kernberg and Freud, or by induced trauma, according to Mengela. So without this attachment to others, one is without empathy, or free of the burden of empathy, depending on one's perspective, and capable of absolutely anything. Such is the nature of employment by the government. Your tax dollars at work.
So what does it mean to be free of the burden of empathy? Watch Adolph Hitler some time in the old footage. You don't need to speak German to hear that his tirades are energetic and hypnotizing of his audience. Hitler was a narcissist at an early age. He, like Stalin, bragged about being beaten by his father into unconsciousness and defying his abuser to the end. Like Stalin, he had only an idea of what constituted the type of attention acceptable to him to create in him a sense of his own presence; worship. Also like Stalin, he gave no thought to exterminating fellow humans by the millions. He gave unqualified, unrestrained impetus to others to do it.
History is a record of the deeds of narcissists. Humans have recorded the darkest aspects of our time on this planet as being that which is most significant to our informational achievement. A total lack of empathy does two things; it creates a person who's observation of the reaction of those they crave attention from is purely clinical, and, it frees up a lot of energy normally dampened by empathetic connection to others, allowing them to be highly charged and influential, to the extent their intelligence in using what they are observing allows them to be.
In shamanic terms, a complete detachment from the source means coma. Our souls or energy bodies are fueled by this connection to the creator of the universe, which is a constant outflowing of organized energy forming and creating all life, all matter all anything. This perspective is derived of experience. You go, you see, you understand. It's an egoless trip that has to be taken in order to understand reality, and no, Carlos Casteneda isn't going to show you how to get there. The reality of reality is what one learns when one is interested in the truth. Those that are not interested are after only power. And for good reason. I mentioned above that attention was what Hitler and Stalin (et al) were after. To need that kind of attention means the connection to the source is very weak. In shamanic terms again, such gaps in the energy body invite infestation by parasitic entities. Who and what was Hitler then, is open to speculation.
In energy manipulation areas, like remote influencing, where someone with a lack of energy from the source is loose in the larger mind and the energy fields of other people without thought for their well being, anything goes. Conscious living, such as that practiced in Buddhist mindfulness, gives us to be aware of what our thoughts and emotions are creating, but the average human emotional situation on this planet is squalor and starvation, and starving people go to war quite easily. So our larger mind is fragmented at this time, and doing the dark side is quite easy. There is much to fear, if you believe your well being depends on defending yourself from the hungry and the needy. Borders overflow with humans migrating to survive, and militaries thrive on making wars over these invisible lines. Militaries get a lot of money from politicians and clergy with histrionic approaches to inciting other people's fears, and money is energy that is liquid and can be translated into almost anything in the present dimension we inhabit. I wish I could tell everyone that to be able to walk between worlds is only allowed to the compassionate, but it's just not the truth. Anyone who can push, can push people over the edge. It's a grim and savage reality.
Status, shelter, food, clothing, importance, sexual satiation, numbness, drug induced Xanadus actually all can be purchased. So why not inhabit the dark side?
Awareness. Connection. Consciousness. That's why not.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
After a Bit of a Hiatus...
It I've been working on building and uploading a new website
for remote influencing for business. My old site was with Intuit; my new
site is with Bluehost. The experience and services I have available are
psychic influencing for business, and the last few months of study and work
have given me time to develop new skills in creating inceptions, larger, more
complex structures in the subconscious that give awareness and palpable
satisfaction to the target for cooperating in the push. I have had palpable
success in this, measurable in monetary terms using the small letter
"m", in fact. A nice reward for putting through a worthy (read
pro bono) cause. Still, the satisfaction derived from such successes, and
the skills created therein are very interesting to me to understand and to know
I am gaining command therein.
Of course the word
"Inception" brings to mind the movie, with it's sophisticated graphic
softwares and Byzantine plot lines. Hardly the excursion into the dream
state that the film purports it's protagonist to be engaging in,
inception really doesn't involve more than using existing information of the
target's subconscious, which in my observation is like one of those houses on
"Hoarders", a show I cannot view without alarm, but I digress.
It's all in there, and in a total
jumble, accumulated in the day to day jumble created by information used,
partly comprehended, partially integrated and mostly just thrown "down
there" before slamming the door. What my job is then, is to descend
the treacherous stairway and organize what I can find that suits my purposes.
I don't clean the basement; I have neither the interest nor the ability
to remotely purge information from anyone's brain, and even if I did, I
wouldn't. I use what I know will created a knowledge that has substance,
structure, like the knowledge one gains in college course work, and create my
structure along those lines. I find then that the person
"knows" that doing the thing I want them to do will give them the
feeling I wish for them to feel. Ideation/emotion scaffolding, really.
Not just suggestion. So as the structure is added to and emotion is
connected to action, the target retains intention for a much longer time.
So far I haven't connected action with
satisfaction of intentionally manufactured remote resentments. It's not
in my interest to do so and besides, it's not nice. Humans have enough
problems with resentment, and as anyone in a recovery program knows,
resentments are at the root of all addictions. So they are a nasty trick
to play on anyone. If I were to ruminate further on resentments I would
say they are at the root of many pathological human behaviors, from being mean
to making war. So I choose to avoid putting more of that into the
subconscious soup.
A great deal of good can be done in
influencing people to simply open to being human, embracing empathy,
appreciating it as being the best and most precious characteristic of being
humanoid that we can experience. Empathy is our ability to feel what the
other person is feeling, and extends to all sentient beings. It is the
palpable, tangible aspect of compassion, meaning what we do to others we do to
ourselves and may be the only true reality.
And so it goes. What the
Buddhists have been trying to show us for years is actually the truth of how
our souls are connected, or not, as those of us that walk between worlds also
know. It would be lovely if those without the capacity for empathy, those
people that emulate it ever so well but do not experience it, could. In
the meantime, I'm happy to create a conscience in those who are missing theirs.
I can be contacted for
business remote influencing purposes here:Monday, May 28, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
What Can and Can Not Be Accomplished
It may be difficult to I recently had to let a
client go. His business was not benefiting from my work, and I
was not benefiting from working more and more hours per day on his project, a
high performance sustainable materials startup utilizing formulations from
former NASA materials scientists. Sounds like the perfect project for an
ethical remote influencer, doesn't it? I pushed for people to step aside
in his path, who were hostile to him, as well as for people to give his startup
attention and assistance as he was without means for getting his business off
the ground. I pushed people to invest in his business and group pushed
for his business to receive a lot of financial interest, filtering for
investors with hundreds of millions of dollars to come forward and give him support.
I even pushed for him to get a day job, which also refused to
materialize. In every case his business failed to completely close on
investors and interested parties that had "appeared" in his life to
become a part of his business. I worked six months for 4-16 hours per day
without remuneration on this project before finally taking the advice
of a friend of mine involved in Access Consciousness to cut him loose because
of his inability to receive my energy. Why? I believed in his
product and as an engineering designer knew that sustainability was an
important aspect of future engineering and construction. Upon informing
him then, that I was no longer going to be working for his business I was
treated to the toxic aspect of his energy and given a taste of what others
doing business with him were experiencing.
But all of that is academic in hindsight
because I had failed to trust my initial feedback about the success of this
project, which was that he would not pay me and his startup would go nowhere.
In that I had failed to do something important in my research of his
startup, and that was to look into him, to scan him for the kind of person he
was. He was convincing of his sincerity in intending to bring a high
level of performance and sustainability to the materials market, and in that I
placed my confidence. He was also personable. As time went by,
however, there was nothing but failure on the part of my pushing of businessmen
to invest in him. My feedback was saying that they were seeing him as
being disagreeable, angry, paranoid, arrogant. These were not
characteristics I was seeing in him in my daily conversations with him, so I
attributed them to the people he was attempting to do business with. That
was my error in thinking.
When a client is a person with an aspect to
their personality that makes them react to stress with toxic energy, that is
something to take note of. There is a mind in us that is our human mind
of intention, and there is a mind in us that is an alien creation that comes
from without. I won't go into that in depth here, I will just say read
Carlos Casteneda's last book, The
Active Side of Infinity for
more on that. Petty concerns changing quickly to toxic rage is an
indicator that this is what the problem is. I have found it to be
most prevalent in people with personality disorders and chemical
imbalances, such as bipolar disorder. I think it is also present in
people with apparently even tempered personalities that have a strong emotional
reaction of fear to the possibility of success. How does one manage to
become afraid of success? That is a good question, but the point is that
such people do exist, and will react with violent rage and paranoia, suspicion
and success canceling behaviors to the "threat" of financial success.
I say that the alien mind is a part of this because it makes no sense in
the realm of the human mind of clear intent and accomplishment exceeding the
focus on self, which is the place from which much that is about larger monetary
achievement comes from. A person can only use so much money for their
needs as a human in the human world. After that their achievements in
that realm become philanthropic or, as in the case of Howard Hughes,
for example, they become hopelessly addicted to the self and prey to heavy
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