Sunday, May 26, 2013

Employment Possibilities with Remote Influencing

In the present economy, with over 20 million people in the United States unemployed and many more homeless, who's numbers are not included in the overall estimate of unemployed people, it might be a good idea to get a little help in getting your resume noticed.

This summer I am offering a three week package for helping people be noticed in their resume submission, plus influencing of my clients to release limiting beliefs and feel more confident and positive in their ability to find good work.  The cost of this package is $150.  That means that for $50 a week, I work every day to push people doing the hiring to feel very familiar and welcoming of my clients via their resume, and to feel confident of my client's ability to do the job very well.

Go to my website, and look at my fees and services section for more information on this offering.

Remote influencing in this really just makes the prospective employer "feel" like they already know you.  I give them subconscious information about you so that they really do know you and can feel more relaxed about hiring you than they would about hiring others.  I also put information and suggestions into the subconscious of my clients to give them to be more able to create positive financial realities for themselves.
The mess that the global banking cartels has put many countries into has created great hardship in many sectors.  People who are experienced and middle aged are especially vulnerable, as are people who have been unemployed for a long time, and of course the homeless.  I do pro bono work often, and most of the time my rates for paid work run around $150 an hour, but with this package I will do work for a person seeking employment for three weeks for that amount, so it's a pretty good deal.

Unemployment can have consequences beyond the immediate lack of money.  It can deal a death blow to your confidence and give you to believe, in this capitalistic culture, that you're unwanted, not worth anything and that alone can severely limit your prospects for prosperity.  So I also influence you to be without limiting beliefs about yourself and to know you have skills and abilities that the world can really benefit from.
The economy is what it is.  The irresponsible and destructive actions of the people in power over the largest banking interests have created great suffering and turbulence in society, but it doesn't need to be your problem.  It's also everywhere in the media, and that is an influence on the psyche of the people as a whole that can bring one into believing that there is just no point, and if you believe that, you create it.

Let me help you get back on your feet, or get on your feet in the first place.  I will provide feedback to all clients undertaking this package on a daily basis to let you know how things are going.  What I will need from you is information about who you are and what you do or wish to do, what the name of the company is that you wish to work for, and as much information about the persons doing the hiring as you can provide me with.

This is a chance for those with low self esteem to pull out of that spiral and get back into having a life.  Take advantage of it.  I have a lot of success in getting jobs for people, and I can help you as well.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Passive Aggressive Approach to Fate

In December of 1941 President Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed the people of the United State via radio broadcast following the attack of the Japanese navy on the U.S. military base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, that we had nothing to fear but fear itself.  Throughout our culture since then this phrase has rung, again and again, with a truth that we most truly understand when something in our lives is going badly wrong and we notice how our emotional reactions to it only exacerbate it.

We have nothing to fear but fear itself.  That's a lot to fear.  That's everything.  One common experience of people that have died and returned to life is the absence of fear.  If nothing else that tells us that fear is something built into the biological aspect of being human, and is absent from the spiritual aspect.  I'm not here to preach any gospel, just making a point.  When we construct spiritual disciplines, religions, there is always the element of there being someone big in all that that will protect us if we worship them.  No wonder we're scared.  The only kind of being that would require any worship would certainly be something we would be completely stupid to put our trust in, but there you go.  God of our fathers.  Yea, though I walk through the valley of death I will fear no evil.  Better fear the fact that you're walking through the valley of death, clown.   Evil isn't half your problem.

Death is a problem.  Culturally it's ridden with stigma and denial and so much fear we refuse to acknowledge it without dragging in some religious garbage to guide out thinking about.  Very scary stuff, death, yet when we talk with people that have died and spirits of people that are dead we find it's not the awfulness we keep it in our minds to be.  Hell?  Not a lot of acknowledgement of that existing.  Seems to be a notion profligated by an organization with a propensity toward pederasty, along with Heaven, Purgatory and Limbo.   Remember Limbo?  Hell had levels back in the day when mass was in Latin.  First floor ladies lingerie and limbo.  Seems silly now but hell, it was serious stuff to brainwash kids into praying to Mary about freeing people from.

Don Juan, the Mexican Yaqui Indian shaman, tells Carlos Castaneda the following:

"We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The Predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don't do so... I have been beating around the bush all this time, insinuating to you that something is holding us prisoner. Indeed we are held prisoner!

"This was an energetic fact for the sorcerers of ancient Mexico ... They took us over because we are food for them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance. just as we rear chickens in chicken coops, the predators rear us in human coops, humaneros. Therefore, their food is always available to them."

"No, no, no, no," [Carlos replies] "This is absurd don Juan. What you're saying is something monstrous. It simply can't be true, for sorcerers or for average men, or for anyone."

"Why not?" don Juan asked calmly. "Why not? Because it infuriates you? ... You haven't heard all the claims yet. I want to appeal to your analytical mind. Think for a moment, and tell me how you would explain the contradictions between the intelligence of man the engineer and the stupidity of his systems of beliefs, or the stupidity of his contradictory behaviour. Sorcerers believe that the predators have given us our systems of belief, our ideas of good and evil, our social mores. They are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations and dreams of success or failure. They have given us covetousness, greed, and cowardice. It is the predators who make us complacent, routinary, and egomaniacal."

"'But how can they do this, don Juan? [Carlos] asked, somehow angered further by what [don Juan] was saying. "'Do they whisper all that in our ears while we are asleep?"

"'No, they don't do it that way. That's idiotic!" don Juan said, smiling. "They are infinitely more efficient and organized than that. In order to keep us obedient and meek and weak, the predators engaged themselves in a stupendous manoeuvre

stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a fighting strategist. A horrendous manoeuvre from the point of view of those who suffer it. They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind. The predators' mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now."

"I know that even though you have never suffered hunger... you have food anxiety, which is none other than the anxiety of the predator who fears that any moment now its manoeuvre is going to be uncovered and food is going to be denied. Through the mind, which, after all, is their mind, the predators inject into the lives of human beings whatever is convenient for them. And they ensure, in this manner, a degree of security to act as a buffer against their fear."

"The sorcerers of ancient Mexico were quite ill at ease with the idea of when [the predator] made its appearance on Earth. They reasoned that man must have been a complete being at one point, with stupendous insights, feats of awareness that are mythological legends nowadays. And then, everything seems to disappear, and we have now a sedated man. What I'm saying is that what we have against us is not a simple predator. It is very smart, and organized. It follows a methodical system to render us useless. Man, the magical being that he is destined to be, is no longer magical. He's an average piece of meat."

"There are no more dreams for man but the dreams of an animal who is being raised to become a piece of meat: trite, conventional, imbecilic."

Not good news, but better than not knowing.  Then Casteneda continues:

He then made the most damaging statement he had made so far. He said that this narrow fringe of awareness was the epicenter of self-reflection where man was irremediably caught.
By playing on our self-reflection, which is the only point of awareness left to us, the predators create flares of awareness that they proceed to consume in a ruthless, predatory fashion.
They give us inane problems that force those flares of awareness to rise, and in this manner they keep us alive in order for them to be fed with the energetic flare of our pseudo-concerns.

I noticed, however how quickly I rallied my energy to deny everything he had said. After an instant of panic, I began to laugh, as if don Juan had told me a joke. I even heard myself saying, "Don Juan, Don Juan, you're incorrigible!" 
Don Juan seemed to understand everything I was experiencing. He shook his head from side to side, and raised his eyes to the heavens in a gesture of mock despair.
He said, "I am so incorrigible, that I am going to give the flyers' mind which you carry inside you one more jolt. I am going to reveal to you one of the most extraordinary secrets of sorcery. I am going to describe to you a finding that took sorcerers thousands of years to verify and consolidate."
He looked at me, smiled maliciously, and said, "The flyers' mind flees forever when a sorcerer succeeds in grabbing on to the vibrating force that holds us together as a conglomerate of energy fields. If a sorcerer maintains that pressure long enough, the flyers' mind flees in defeat. And that's exactly what you are going to do; hold on to the energy that binds you together."
I had the most inexplicable reaction I could have imagined. Something in me actually shook, as if it had received a jolt. I entered into a state of unwarranted fear, which I immediately associated with my religious background.
Don Juan looked at me from head to toe.
"You are fearing the wrath of God, aren't you?" he said. "Rest assured, that's not your fear. It's the flyers' fear, because it knows that you will do exactly as I'm telling you."

So what the hell is Don Juan talking about?  "...the vibrating force that holds us together as a conglomerate of energy fields."  We know it as empathy.   Defined as the ability to feel what others are feeling when they are feeling it, empathy is the force that holds us together.  Whether you are a child or an oldster, empathy is what makes you human, and apparently it doesn't taste very good energetically to our erstwhile predators.  Lack of ability to experience empathy is a core element of the definition of narcissism, and that makes simple sense.  Narcissism is a state of disconnection from others, present in, some say, about 6% of the human population.  They're also known variously as psychopaths, sociopaths, monsters.  Those people may simply be suffering from a lack of energetic connection to the rest of the human race?  In a word, yes.  Don Juan describes our spiritual energy as luminous coat that covers us from head to toe.  He says the predators like that, that they feed on it.  Why?

Perhaps it's because we are all born with the knowledge that we belong in this universe.  That we are created of the creator of this universe and are in vibrational compatibility with this universe, coming and going through incarnations to learn of life and how to be creators ourselves.  In our natural state we feel comfortable and safe, and know how to cooperate with each other while we feel each other as nearly as we feel ourselves.  These spiritual parasites may have, like a virus, come in from another universe, one that is not compatible with this universe vibrationally.  George LoBuono writes of this in his book Alien Mind at length.  It's worth a read and a free download pdf. available here:
Other writers simply say that we are evolving under pressure, to hurry things up.  In this universe DNA has one edict; to do anything it must.  We tend to think of DNA as a static biological formulation, but with expanded investigation we find that DNA does a lot of things that make no sense inside the perimeters of that context, so evolution, change, building up or stripping down the biological entity all are not controlled so much by DNA as by it's manifestation of said changes.  

Bottom line, empathy is destroyed by fear, but fear is destroyed by empathy.  Feel it, grab hold of it like Don Juan says, and squeeze it to know it and be of it.  Let your fear vaporize and be the human you are born to be.  That is how we rid ourselves of the disease of fear.

It is an intelligent universe.  Use it.